The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a network of “cannabinoid receptors” that was first identified in the 1990s during studies on how THC affects the body. It’s a complex cell-signaling system that responds to the compounds found in various cannabis products like marijuana, hemp, CBD and more. Read on to learn more about this system, what it impacts, and more!

What Bodily Functions Are Impacted by The Endocannabinoid System?

While the endocannabinoid system is still being studied by scientists, it’s already been shown to affect a wide variety of bodily functions and systems. Currently, it’s thought to impact the following systems, among many others:

● Appetite and digestion
● Metabolism
● Inflammation and immune system responses
● Mood
● Chronic pain
● Learning and memory
● Sleep
● Reproduction and fertility

It’s believed that these functions all contribute to “homeostasis,” meaning the stability of your internal bodily environment. The ECS seems to kick in whenever a sickness, illness, or other issue throws off homeostasis, and helps ensure your body returns to normal operation.

How Do THC And CBD Impact The Endocannabinoid System?

Both THC and CBD influence different endocannabinoid receptors, and have different effects. It’s thought that THC can be used to:

● Reduce pain and help manage chronic illnesses
● Stimulate appetite and boost metabolism
● Reduce feelings of paranoia
● Help manage anxiety

CBD has similar effects and interacts with some of the same endocannabinoid receptors, but lacks the psychoactive (mind-altering) effects of cannabis-based products with THC. It is often used to:

● Reduce and manage chronic pain
● Help with nausea and digestive issues
● Manage inflammation due to immune responses, allergies and more

Get Your MMJ Card Online Today – No Office Visit Needed!

If you think you could benefit from THC and its positive effects on your endocannabinoid system, Marijuana Evaluations is here to help. Complete an evaluation online today, and you can get your medical card within two weeks! No doctor’s visit is necessary, so get started today!